Job Rotation

 Job Rotation

Figure 1: Job rotation

 What is meaning of job rotation in HRM?

Job rotation through numerous employment responsibilities, enriching their skills, ability to perform in diverse tasks, and experience. It is an effective HR technique to raise employee understanding of all sorts of jobs conducted in their sector. Job rotation is a management technique that involves shifting employees from one job to another in order to familiarize them with all of an organization's verticals. The goal of job rotation is to improve workers' work experience, cross-train them, and increase their job satisfaction. The job rotation program entails the temporary assignment of an employee in a position or department to undertake the exact tasks of another position for a certain period of time. This is usually a voluntary assignment in which the employee considers the provided tasks to be part of his or her regular job. After carefully evaluating other potential workforce techniques, any supervisor or employee might request a job rotation assignment. Job rotation can take place among departments, inside a business division, or in a cross-functional division. An employee on a job rotation assignment will keep his or her usual employment number and wage classification, as well as all rights, benefits, and privileges (SHRM, 2022).

Benefits of job rotation

Figure 2: Benefits of job rotation


·       Helps Managers Explore the Hidden Talent

Job rotation is intended to expose employees to a broader range of operations in order to help management discover latent ability. They are rotated through a number of assignments throughout the process in order to obtain a better understanding of the organization's actual working style and the issues that arise at each step. Managers use this approach to determine what skills a certain employee possesses, and then allocate him or her to a specific assignment.

·      Helps Individuals Explore Their Interests

Employees don't always know what they want to do until they get their hands on a certain task. They can recognize what they are strong at and what they love doing if their employment is rotated or they are exposed to new processes. They are given the opportunity to pursue their passions and untapped potential.

·       Identifies Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes

Job rotation assists both managers and people in determining their KSA (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes). It may be used to determine who needs to develop or update their abilities in order to increase their performance. This aids in determining staff training and development needs so that they can deliver higher output.

·       Motivates Employees to Deal with New Challenges

When employees are introduced to new occupations or responsibilities, they strive their hardest to do their best while coping successfully with the problems they face. It motivates them to improve at every level and demonstrate that they are on par with their peers. This creates a healthy competitive environment within the company, with everyone striving to outperform the competitors.

·       Increases Satisfaction and Decreases Attrition Rate

Employee satisfaction rises when they are exposed to a variety of duties and roles. The monotony of doing the same duty every day is reduced by job variety. Furthermore, it lowers the organization's attrition rate. Employees create a sense of belonging to the company and stay with it for a long time.

·       Helps Align Competencies with Requirements

Aligning competencies with needs entails allocating resources to the right places at the right times. It evaluates people and assigns them in positions that allow them to put their skills, abilities, and quality to the best possible use (Management Study Guide, 2022).

Figure 3: Types of job rotation process


Types of Job Rotation Process Used

Job rotation may be divided into two categories, depending on how the company changes the employee's job description.

·       Task rotation-

Employees who work in cognitively or physically demanding jobs are typically assigned to a task rotation. Employees are switched from a difficult job to a less demanding position in such instances to give a respite from monotonous labor.


·       Position rotation-

The company changes the employee's designation, location, or department in the event of job rotation. This gives the individual the chance to learn new skills, obtain new information, and get fresh views on the job. There are two forms of cross functional rotation: function rotation and cross functional rotation. Employees' duties and areas of operation stay the same during function rotation. The employee's level and work duties are modified while on cross functional rotation (HR help board, 2022).




Job rotation is the practice of moving people inside the same company between two or more jobs or job roles in order to enhance and inspire them. This rotation takes place at regular periods. The goal of job rotation is to break up repetitive schedules and to expose employees to all verticals and/or horizontals of a company so that they can develop the skills they need for the future. When it comes to recognizing an employee's opportunity areas and best fit regions, this is crucial. Job rotation also demonstrates the difficulty, time necessary, abilities required, and other factors that go into doing various occupations from the employee's perspective. 




HR help board, 2022. HR help board. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 24 April 2022].

Management Study Guide, 2022. Management Study Guide. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 24 April 2022].

SHRM, 2022. SHRM. [Online]
Available at:,preventing%20job%20boredom%20or%20burnout.
[Accessed 24 April 2022].



Figure 1: Job rotation. 1

Figure 2: Benefits of job rotation. 2

Figure 3: Types of job rotation process. 3





  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi, This will affect the growth of an organization. It is also a good opportunity to identify new skills of employees. It also builds a good relationship between the departments within an organization. But I do not think this is a good thing to do all the time continuously. You have well explained what Job Rotation is. All the best!

  3. Each and every employee doesn't need stagnated job roles in their career. There are so many benefits of job rotation as this article clearly mentioned. Transferring or assigning different kinds of job roles inside the same organisation benefited both employees as well as the employer. Well written.

  4. Hi I have found this blog very interesting as I’m wanting to learn how to share a blog online for my course work and have been searching the network to see how you do it and find out how to answer blogs. I have never done anything like this at all and finding it very interesting

  5. It is a methodology that should be implemented in any organization. Many government office have employees who have been working in the same place for years. The damage to employees and the organization is not insignificant. Very good topic.Good luck👍

  6. Interesting topic. Job rotation should take place in every orgernization when and where nessasary but the HR managers need to mindful to put the right person in the right position as some of the jobs need a special skill set. Ex : A corporate communicator might not be able to do a job in the engineering division but he or she can be useful in handling consumer affairs. Good Luck !

  7. Job rotation is One of the important topic in HRM. Activity of moving employees between jobrole in an organization.Important of this job rotation activity is job rotation allows a organization to see employees expected and teaching new skills throughout an organization . There are advantages and disadvantages in job rotation activity. In your article you have clearly explained about the job rotation.good luck

  8. Job rotation should be done tactfully without disrupting the workflow. Right people with right knowledge should be deployed to attain the desired purpose. inappropriate job rotation can harm the performance of the organization. Good article kawshi!

  9. The goal of job rotation is to improve workers' work experience, cross-train them, and increase their job satisfaction. And also job rotation is a management technique that involves shifting employees from one job to another in order to familiarize them with all of an organization's verticals. Interesting blog 👍

  10. Agree with your blog. When employees go through the job rotation process they feel that the company gives value for their service. also, it directly impacts the organization becomes a success because they have an experience & clear vision about the company,& it is motivation the organization wants to develop employees' career coaching or support of management adds enormous value to employees rotation. clear explanation, good luck!!

  11. Job Rotation is an effective HR technique to raise employee understanding of all types of jobs conducted in their sector. It will be an excellent tool for placing personnel in the greatest position to provide the best results. You have well explained what Job Rotation is. Wish you all the bets!

  12. Job rotation is a critical organizational function. It assists all staff members in gaining a thorough understanding of all functions. Furthermore, it enhances knowledge and abilities while reducing job repetition. Finally, it improves the organization's overall performance. Best wishes.

  13. Employees' views on job rotation may differ. However, identifying employee talents, knowledge, and capabilities has been a critical component for organizations and that's the main purpose of job rotations. For some employees, job rotation can be motivating factor because it allows them to try new things. good article

  14. Believing that Job rotation is the systematic movement of employees from one job to another within the organization to achieve various human resources objectives.Job rotation having impacts for both ends. Good one ☝️

  15. Job rotation is the best management tool which keeps the employees away from boredom. and this allows the employees to get trained on different aspects. It's a very good article. Best of luck.

  16. Job rotation helps employees from feeling stagnant or stuck. As, described in the article, it is a good tool the organization can use in identifying hidden talents of employees and its a good on the job training method that can be used to develop the organization work force. Great article. Good luck.


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