What is 360-Degree survey

 360-degree survey

Another well-known HR concept is the 360-degree survey. 360 surveys are a way to get feedback from a variety of people. It frequently includes one's boss, coworkers, subordinates, and customers, and it provides a comprehensive picture of one's conduct. Employees receive confidential, anonymous feedback from their coworkers through a system or procedure could be identify as 360-degree feedback. The employee's management, colleagues, and direct reports are usually included. A group of eight to twelve people who are asked questions regarding a wide variety of workplace abilities fills out an anonymous online feedback form. The feedback forms include questions that are graded on a scale, as well as requests for written comments from raters. The individual getting feedback also completes a self-rating survey, which has the same survey questions as the others (360 Degree feedback, 2022).

Figure 1: 360 Feedback commentators of an organization

360-degree surveys are mostly used to provide feedback on management performance. The instrument is well liked, although it is not always a hit. In fact, research reveals that just one-third of the time, such an assessment is successful. In the remaining one-third of circumstances, the survey is useless, and in the other one-third of cases, it even worsens performance. People who are not in management positions can benefit from 360 feedback as well. Because there are no direct reports, a "non-manager" 360 evaluation does not measure input from 360 degrees, but the same concepts apply. Non-managers can benefit from 360 feedback to help them be more productive in their present jobs and to understand what areas they should focus on if they wish to advance to management (AIHR, 2022).

What a 360 Feedback Survey Measures:

·        360 feedback measures behaviors and competencies

·        360 assessments provide feedback on how others perceive an employee

·        360 feedback addresses skills such as listening, planning, and goal-setting

·        A 360 evaluation focuses on subjective areas such as teamwork, character, and leadership effectiveness


360-feedback chart

Comments obtained from

What should I stop doing?

What should I start doing?

What should I continue doing?

Customer Service Manager

Stop limiting your self – you can learn and grow

Expand your knowledge

Your positivity


Control and manage overloading yourself with work while trying to help others.

Get yourself up to speed with multiple areas of work so that you are not limited to one job role only.

Continue and maintain the good relationship with the customers and peers.

Maintain the good problem solving skills and been able to adopt to various situations.

Continue the positive attitude and the wiliness to go beyond your job role to help with anything.



Brand & GRS Manager, Sales & Marketing

Based on my experience with you, I do not see many negatives now.

However, I would now like to see you to innovate and take initiatives, which will help you to climb up the ladder.  

Start communicating and start presenting ideas in English.


Try to come up with innovative ideas (for your department/company) on how we could improve.  

Your attitude towards work, attention to detail, commitment is exceptional, keep that up.


In my personal experience I do not have to think twice if I handover a responsibility to you which I have is the case with everyone else.

You are one of the most dependable associates that I have worked at A&E with.



HR Manager

I have not commented on the things what you must stop doing since I am new to the organization, and I think it’s bit too early to comment but hope the rest of the comments would help you

It is very much important to identify the true potential inside you and to capitalize the unutilized talent at the right time to right work.

Having a personal set target towards life and career is another aspect to look at and clearly identify the steps to achieve within the period is crucial for a successful journey both personally and professionally.

See the long run, make long-term decisions, and do planning accordingly, which will have a favorable environment and a strong foundation towards your future.

Build and sustain a positive relationship with everyone (Specially your team and cross functional department members)

 Have the passion towards work and new initiatives


Control the wards.

Time management. Emotion control. Develop by leader ship skills. You have to improve the people management.

Learning the subject and management skills. Communication skills.

Table 1: 360-Feedback survey example

A person's individual SWOT analysis can be related to the outcomes of 360-degree feedback. Topics from the writer's self-evaluation, which includes a personal SWOT analysis and 360-degree feedback from co-workers, are relevant. When the researcher analyses the two analyses, she will notice that the other workers have noticed her ability to learn from mistakes and take on additional responsibilities at work. They also emphasized that the writer should concentrate on her strengths while downplaying her flaws.


360 Degree feedback, 2022. 360 Degree feedback. [Online]
Available at: https://www.custominsight.com/360-degree-feedback/what-is-360-degree-feedback.asp
[Accessed 30 March 2022].

AIHR, 2022. AIHR. [Online]
Available at: https://www.aihr.com/blog/hr-concepts-hr-terms/#Turnover
[Accessed 30 March 2022].



Figure 1: 360 Feedback commentators of an organization. 1

Table 1: 360-Feedback survey





  1. Come a cross with the blog I clearly understood what is 360-degree survey and What a 360 Feedback Survey Measures.. well explained this topic is very new to me and thanks to sharing this ...πŸ‘πŸ‘all the best

  2. This article is highly informative and well-written regarding 360-degree surveys and 360 Feedback Survey Measures. The chart provide a quick overview for everyone, including beginners. Best wishes and a fantastic post!

  3. Of course 360 survey is well known concept & it will be measure on several different sources.(Managers,peers, report,self assessment). Good article.

  4. This is the kind of best practice that most of well organized companies are applying.we can get accurate measurements if can do independently.well explained πŸ‘

  5. You have well explained a very important performance appraisal technique and it will provide insights into achieving team success. All the Best!

  6. The way you have explained about 360 degree survey is amazing. Well done keep it up.

  7. Modern day organisations use the 360 degree concept to evaluate their employees. This will be mostly used to assess the competencies among the team members.

  8. The regular review of an employee's job performance and overall contribution to the organization can be defined as performance appraisal and 360-degree feedbacks are a type of performance appraisal tool used to get a better and overall picture of an employee by getting inputs of all parties involved in as business. This is a very insightful article. Well explained.


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