What is 360-Degree survey

360-degree survey Another well-known HR concept is the 360-degree survey. 360 surveys are a way to get feedback from a variety of people. It frequently includes one's boss, coworkers, subordinates, and customers, and it provides a comprehensive picture of one's conduct. Employees receive confidential, anonymous feedback from their coworkers through a system or procedure could be identify as 360-degree feedback. The employee's management, colleagues, and direct reports are usually included. A group of eight to twelve people who are asked questions regarding a wide variety of workplace abilities fills out an anonymous online feedback form. The feedback forms include questions that are graded on a scale, as well as requests for written comments from raters. The individual getting feedback also completes a self-rating survey, which has the same survey questions as the others (360 Degree feedback, 2022) . Figure 1 : 360 Feedback commentators of an organization 360-degree ...